Sunday 30 November 2014

Expressive Words

These are some expressive words I found. They all just use the letters in basic and bold fonts and place them in ways for the word to show the meaning. I really like how you are able to create an illustrative image by just using single words and simply changing size and placement. 

 These are my thumbnails of expressive words I wanted to create. I made 4 different layouts for each word and somehow create the meaning of the word by just using the letters. I liked creating the thumbnails as it was possible for me to see how the final product would look and give me some idea of what would work well and what wouldn't. 

Final 5 words

These are my two favourite designs I made out of the 5 I created on illustrator. I really like the way the smile was able to made into a wide smile outline. I used a standard font but made it bolder so it stood out more. I Like how the negative space between the letters could become the teeth. I really like the way I layered black on grey letters so create the vibration effect. Im really pleased with how these have turned out and think I was successful in being able to create the effect and meaning of the word by the letters themselves. 

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